Hello, I have been building in studio for over a year but I’ve somehow never really tried making any kind of building before so I tried to make something. I built this medieval house and I’m looking for some feedback, thank you!
That looks really cool! Great job!
I love the low poly style, amazing build dude. Great job!
medieval and low poly i love it!
Nice, big and with a lot of detail, great job
This looks fairly good, but my main complaint are those unneeded details, such as this.
I’m worried it wouldn’t run well with several of these.
I made the house just for fun so I tried making it detailed, if I would use it for a game I would remove the unneeded details to make it run better.
It looks really great! I think it would look a little better if the wood parts were a slightly darker color. Maybe.
Looks as good as the buildings in Roblox Islands.
Great job.
I absolutely love low poly builds and this is one of them! This is amazing!
There is just lots of detail in this build and it really pleased my eyes!
Amazing job!!!
amazing i love it. it looks so good i love the low poly style.
You seem to be right at home with that kind of enthusiasm.
It looks a bit too FLASHY because in medieval times houses did not look like that.
Not even in cities.
There were just depressing streets full of poo and disgusting creaking houses.
Medieval + low poly! I am in love, great job.
Wayyy too colorful. Houses were supposed to be dirty and dark, not like this. This looks like as if an unicorn would come and barf rainbows on a medieval house.
Meanwhile the modeling is good, I advise you to change the color. Like, a lot.
That looks awesome! I love the low poly and medieval style! Keep it up
(happy cakeday btw
I’m really digging the low-poly theme! I would add the moss in more places, and more stuff around it (fences, barrels, water trough, ect). Overall it’s really good.
Finally, something we agree on.
Thanks for the feedback but I wasn’t really trying to make it too realistic, I know that medieval houses didn’t have this much color but I just wanted to make it colorful cause I fell like it looks nice.
I understand.
Honestly, the house looks amazing, but it doesn’t feel like a medieval type of game house.
I’d say it’d go in a game like Islands.
Oh, happy cake day!