Feedback on a new GFX

:wave: Hello everyone, I finished a new GFX so if you have 1 minute of your time to give me a rating, it will be much appreciated.

:phone: In case you want to commission me, you can check my portfolio here:


I like it, I would give it like a 7.5/10. the bump on the clothing is nice and I like the effects+lighting, however I’m not sure how I feel about the grunge-like overlay, and it’s also hard to tell what’s in his left hand and what’s on the bottom left of the screen. it also looks like the wood counter texture is pretty mesed up, but in conclusion it’s a nice GFX and I like the character, pose, effects, and lighting!


This GFX looks very good! I also like your portfolio a lot! You’re good at creating GFXs. The only bad thing about this GFX you showed, is that the glass cup isn’t too visible, maybe make it a bit less transparent and more reflective.


Thank you very much for your feedback! :pray:
Yeah, I know about the glass cup, I messed it up a bit. :grin:

Thank you very much for the review! I really appreciate the way you explained everything. :pray:

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  • The entire scene is too bright (the food is literally glowing). Try darkening the background in order to create some negative space. This brings the viewer’s attention to the more detailed positive space, which is the character. I’d also remove the food on the bottom left as I personally find it distracting from the main subject. Sometimes, less is more (I feel wise using that quote lol).

  • The background is empty. Try adding some furniture and/or add some subtle detail to the architecture. Do note that too much detail can actually take away from the negative space effect I was talking about earlier.

  • The image is rather saturated. This could be fixed by post processing in an image editor.

  • Imperfections can make digitally rendered art look better, but be aware of using it in the right places. Bokeh/lens flare should be concentrated around bright light sources. In your scene, the light source originated from the bottom left, so it should be more abundant there than on the character.

  • The character’s suit has a lot of bump displacement. I’m not sure if this was intentional, but a better way to add detail to clothing would to make it 3D. A suit irl is rather smooth with a few folds, not bumpy.

Some further points you could look up are negative space and chiaroscuro (high contrasts between areas of light and dark.) I’ve used the latter technique in my recent artworks, and it creates a much more dramatic look. Thanks for coming to my Ted-Talk and happy GFX making!

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Thank you for your review. I appreciate it! :pray:

It’s really cute, the lighting goes well with the theme and the pose isn’t too stiff. The only thing I would say about it is that you can barely see the glass.

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Thank you very much! I will consider it. :pray: