FEEDBACK On a Ocean Style UI!

Any feedback on this ocean UI I made for a commission?
This was for my friend’s game, he is currently making an ocean theme-related game, so I revamped my old UI for him and made something much more cleaner!
UI Banner inspired by Egotism.


Look great man! Nothing is wrong with it.


Thanks so much, bro, Appreciate it!

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Looks great, I like the texture!

I suggest adding a watermark. It would be pretty easy to copy.

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The UI itself is fine, though, have seen many of UI’s similar to this in other games. Great effort and well finish… It is unoriginal though (I would be attracted to a more unique arrangement.)

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Looks epic!
but make it slightly unique beacuse that concept is used alot ;-;
overall good, 8/10

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You should add seaweed in the background of the gui and add a soft black outline around the gui itself. Overall, solid 10 :+1:

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perfect and beautiful And Logo :heart:

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Noted thanks for the advice, appreciate it.