Feedback on a recently released game [FPS OBBY]

Hi guys, basically i would like to ask some people with experience in roblox games what would be my best option. I have this fully playable game, but it has no inventory/shop system yet, and we are working on it. Do you guys recommend me to hold my entire sponsor budget for when i have this system working, or should i maybe invest a little of robux now to make a small sponsor and invest a little less once i have such system?

Also, i would love some feedback on how to improve the game and its first impressions, it is 2 player though lol so u might need someone to fully test it

This is the link!


UI needs some tuning, so do the skybox and lighting.
Apart from that, this game is a banger!

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thank you again, it was really nice playing with you.

please come again once we drop the shop!

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Sick intro, nice eye candy and flow.

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thank you so much! we’ve added a tutorial dialog aswell since some ppl were having difficulties understanding what to do first