Feedback on a Reduxed version of Crossroads

I have worked on this game for 4-5 months now and it has been really fun, I mostly have good reports on this but I want to know what other developers think. the game was first inspired by a game called SFOTH REDUX which was pretty cool I was once able to join a lobby with the creator and it inspired me to make this masterpiece.

In its first stages, I was using free models to layout the game but 2 people joined and offered to help. I accepted and they showed me the way on how to make its first stage. the first stage was basically all bricks with textures it stayed like this for 3 months after new Roblox grass was added I desperately wanted it in my game so I scrolled threw plugins and I found "part to terrain which turned it into what it is today. I’m looking for some feedback on this, so if at all possible, could you leave some down below!

Screenshot 2020-03-07 at 4.32.00 PM


Your creation is amazing, but it would be more amazing if you would add a custom inventory!

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Thank you for your response. I like to take feedback as improvement. I will start working on a custom inventory. I will notify you when the update is done.

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O_o I never thought i would see the day where crossroads uses TERRAIN

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It is pretty weird when i thought of it but it came out amazing.

I have added a custom backpack tell what you think of it

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It’s very cool though, this this gonna be public?

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Its already public i put a link in my post :slight_smile:. But please note this is not its full release i have to make things add up and there is a glitch with the bomb so bombs do not work at the moment

I like it, maybe let this part rotate:

Im working on that since it doesn’t have a part to rotate on i might have to delete its terrain of that part

I have fixed the issue dont mind the story mode button its a test for missions and crosscoins

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Looks very nice! Great job :+1:

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I personally appreciate the graphics you applied in the Classic Crossroads game!
Now it’s a bit more realistic and really attracts players to play once again the Classical Roblox game! Good job! I really appreciate it!

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Thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile:

For moving objects such as the bomb or dodge balls you should apply dampening.
The method I’d suggest to do so would be to use RunService, and do something like this

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Part = script.Parent

local c
c = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(DeltaTime)
	if not workspace:IsAncestorOf(Part) then
		c = nil
	Part.RotVelocity = math.exp(-0.985 * DeltaTime) * Part.RotVelocity

It would probably be a bit more efficient to use CollectionService to tag parts, then get the tagged parts and loop through them to dampen the RotVelocity.
Otherwise, the game seems pretty decent.

For the bombs maybe you could make it so that they don’t damage you, but only others?
This would allow for bomb jumping mechanics.


Thank you. I am not that great at scripting. I have been working on the bomb and i have almost finished a version so it allows bomb jumps. I just need to figure out how to stop the bomb from destroying terrain


I believe what you are looking for is Explosion.ExplosionType.


You could probably change the explosion type to make the explosion not destroy terrain. (i.e Explosion.ExplosionType )

Thank you very much. This has annoyed me for so long. It made me disable bombs for a while. Im currently working on a credits tab do you want to be in the credits :slight_smile:

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It goes for you aswell :slight_smile:

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