Hey, I built a small campsite and I would like to hear some feedback/tips/tricks from real developers
This is pretty cool! Nice work.
The only thing that was not done in studio was the leaves for the trees, I imported them over from blender but they are not really anything special
Really nice build! The only thing that I have to say is that maybe you can add some foliage and bushes around the campsite so it fills up the empty space. But other than that, this is really well done!
It looks nice! It’d be good to add some grass, flowers, and maybe some more decor around the campsite. Examples of things you could add is a spit over the fire, outdoor chairs, crates and maybe a cut tree trunk.
It reminds me of a campsite I made, nice work.
It’s a simplistic design which I’m assuming your a new builder it’s a good start to improve your building skills:
Looking at the models, I can see things that you could improve on, however In my opinion the tent siding covering seems to feature a dull material which looks quite bland. You can add in details like other props stuff to make it have a more realistic feel to it. As for the build I would try creating more props in order to fit the campsite look.
I’d also recommend using a different material for your roof “cover” as you’re currently using a wooden material for it and it doesn’t suit the simple theme you’re going for. At the start it’s good you could even use reference images to get those important details.
Try some lighter colors on the grass and dirt, and maybe change some lighting settings to make it look more like an actual campsite.
Pretty cool. Rate it a 7/10
Looks like a old roblox game.
Make more awesome things, good luck!
Is it meant for a ROBLOX player at normal R6 height or is it just for showcase?
I made it just as a showcase but maybe I could make it into an actual roblox game one day