Feedback on a thumbnail/ game icon i made

hello fellow developers i made a new thumbnails for one of my old games i want you to tell me what you think of it
survivalthe evil killer

hope you like it.

I do not hate upon your design. Just needs some improvements :+1:

There is an awesome program named Blender. It is for PC and allows you to make 3D objects. There are many tutorials on YouTube to help you out. Hope this helps.

Here is an example of mine using Blender:

Image Example

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While it looks nice, it does of-course need to look better. You can try and take some inspo from my thumbnails on my account. no hate intended ofc

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It is fine, but you will probably want to remove the knife and blood drops as it is potentially risking breaking the ToS. Also, you should probably move everything closer to the center because Roblox icons are not exactly square so some things in the corner will probably clip and get cut off.

i all ready uploaded it and it got accepted, and this was a thumbnail not a game icon.

Oh, but it’s square, how is it a thumbnail?

i typed the wrong thing it is a thumbnail sorry

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