Hey fellas! I’m glad to announce that a prototype for my new game is ready, but the one catch is that I need your feedback! Just a quick note, it’s better to play this with friends, as it is a shooter game. Also just know that it is a prototype and the map is bound to change, as well as mechanics, but that’s based off the feedback that y’all will give.
Game link:
World War 1 games on Roblox are less common than other types, so it’s interesting to see people working on them.
I’m aware the game is a prototype, but in its current state there are a couple obvious issues that should be addressed.
The first major one is the lack of historical accuracy. Firstly, the flag of the “Allied Powers” is the flag of the United Nations, which both did not exist during WWI and does not represent the nations fighting on the side of the Entente. It would be more accurate to have a British and or French flag instead. This of course depends on when the game is set during the conflict, but these two were among the most memorable and participated in most of the conflict.
Secondly, the weapons are wildly off. CoderQwerty’s weapons pack (which I notice you’re using) contains weapons up until the late 19th century, but it does not contain any of the more modern weapons used during WWI. The game portrays fighting with muzzleloaders and single-shot breach loaders, which were anchient weapons by the time the war started. I won’t give you a full list of more accurate examples because I’m not the one making the game, but some ideas to get you started would be the Gewehr 98 (Germany), Lee-Enfield Mk III (Britain), and the Lebel Model 1886 (France).
The second major issue is the map. Again, I know it’s a prototype, but I have a couple ideas to make it more interesting. First, you should add trenches and other scenery to take cover behind/in, because without them the game becomes essentially snipers trading shots, which is not very exciting or fun. Second, I think the map should be larger so there’s more room to play and more dynamics.
The shovel in the toolset is for making trenches, but I probably should add in some pre-built trenches. I’ll also need to add something to stop players from going too deep in the map with the shovel.
Next up: the weapons
Yeah, I used the CoderQwerty weapon pack, as I am not good at weapons. I guess this game will be my first attempt at true good weapons.
Next up: the flags
I used the UN flag as I couldn’t find a good Entente flag. I will put a French flag instead to more accurately represent the Entente. I’ll also go through scripts and rename “Allied Powers” to Entente, as I forgot the name of it when originally coding and stuff so when I came across that I just put Allied Powers kind of like a placeholder.
Next up: the map
The map of course is a prototype, but I will improve the prototype map to give people a better feeling of what the full game will be like. I’m going to need to add many things.
Thank you for the feedback, as these are some major problems, with some that I didn’t even notice. I’ll definitely work on improving things.
(Just be glad my sister wasn’t on the game, or else you would probably think that things are very wrong)