Feedback On Adding/Improving Lobby

Hey everyone, so currently I am working on a lobby for an upcoming game that I am working on at the moment. I am at the very early stages of building the actual content for the game as I already have done all major mechanics to run/play the game.

Anyways, currently for the lobby, I am going for an island theme with some mountain terrain closing it off and the ocean being closed off by buoys. Examples:

I am still working on the main base of the island and the land itself, my problem at the moment is I am not sure what else to add to really fill in the space on the island. Currently, I just have some trees and a shop which will be where players can buy weapons and etc.

Any suggestions or ideas? Any improvements that could possibly be made? Thanks :slight_smile:


Looks really nice. To fill some space maybe add some benches or a gazebo type thing, or another type of tree. Looking forward to seeing more!


Honestly very nice. I’ve always loved the low-poly style and you make it work very well here. As @Gravity_Defier said, you could definitely fill up some spaces with benches, and maybe include a fence along the areas where there’s a straight drop to the water. Great job nonetheless!


not bad… i like this island…
i see you gona make a bridge? dark brown wood (or dark brown smooth plastic) is best for this bridge
may add a small island?
i hand 3 spot for house(mini house)


I see no other decoration than tress, might want to add something nice. A bench perhaps?


Looks, great man i would suggest you add a fountain in the circle area, Can’t wait to see the final lobby soon!

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The lighting and usage of colors really adds to the whole design you got going on there. I would suggest that you maybe add some more details to the land. Some benches, grass, and maybe some fruit trees or something if you’re going for the whole island look.

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Looks really good. I guess you could add a separate island and a few more decorations on the main island itself.

Also, did you use a triangle terrain plugin to make the mountains at the back?


No, I actually have used this plugin which is similar, expect its manual compared to the triangle terrain plugin, not automatic. It allows me to place nodes exactly where I want them:

Hey TheDreamDealer!

The lobby looks great, here are my critiques and feedback.


  • Adding more vibrant colors through the addition of houses to make the lobby look less homogeneous.
  • Mix up the saturation of the mountain colors by lowering and raising the hue of some mountains
  • Also mix the hues (Also try resizing the models) for the tree colors (Upwards and downwards) so they’re less redundant.
  • I’d add a beach area in the middle of the lack or a less steep dropoff so if players were to fall into the lake they can conveniently get back on land.

Misc/Ideas to add:

  • Benches
  • Lamps
  • Rocks
  • Boats for the shore area
  • Statue or 3D model of the game logo/name.

Goodluck! Hope I helped!


This looks good, but a problem I see is the only decoration is trees. Try adding some more decoration, like a couple benches, or lamps around the area. Can’t wait to see the final version!

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Looks really nice! one thing i suggest to add to the lobby is some detail to the ocean such as adding seaweed, ocean plants etc. (This is your choice though.)

Screenshot_1119 Screenshot_1118
I also suggest to add some detail to the grass so it doesn’t look really plain. Maybe try adding some rocks,logs and a shack to the lobby so it looks realistic.

I suggest changing the color of the mountain with green on the top and grey on the rest of the mountain so it looks more like a mountain. This is just me of course, so its really hard for me to confirm that its a mountain.

Overall, the lobby looks great! Good luck on your project!

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The build is very good, but you haven’t really used all the space you have. Consider adding in bushes aswell as some stands for developer products / game passes (if you have them).
The next thing that I would have changed are the mountains, they aren’t bad but would look even better with snow.

I also think that grass particles would look nice on the low poly terrain. Something like this:



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I really like the low poly style! You should maybe add some more tree types, benches, houses a fountain and maybe a dock?

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Hey everyone!

Thanks for all the feedback/suggestions. I am still currently looking for more as there is a few empty spaces in the lobby at the moment. Here are some updates:

Please leave any suggestions you may have, trying to improve as much as possible and making it enjoyable :slight_smile:

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The place looks really good! Maybe add some benches and bushes to help get rid of the open spots.

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Looks nice. Maybe add another statue on the other side of the cove, or something that would fit nicely.


Hey @TheDreamDealer
People have a tendency to fidget. You’ll often see people jumping around in lobbies a lot if they’re uncomfortable.

If you have in mind some elements of interaction (i.e. things you can interact with in the lobby - a bongo drum, a torch you can turn off and on, objects you press to make noises) it can become a lot more interesting.

I’ve seen this done really badly where someone put a free-model keyboard into the lobby. Avoid this

Some lobbies also reward users for exploring some parts of the map, i.e. some obstacle courses are put into lobbies with somesort of treat at the end (a badge, money xp etc). This would encourage people to explore!

There’s no point spending too much time and effort on creating a large map if no one is going to explore, the best you can do is encourage people to do so.

Hope it helps.

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