I am trying to make a functional aircraft with a throttle system, where the aircraft turns toward where the camera is facing. The aircraft has a maximum turn speed and a current turn speed. The turn speed is determined by the difference in angle between the player’s camera and the aircraft, where facing directly forward will not increment the turn speed at all, and looking 45 degrees to the right will increment it by the maximum possible. (illustrated in picture)
to accomplish this, I’ve drafted this section of code:
local update = function(dt)
if inputs.W == 1 then
throttle = throttle + (dt * throttleIncrement)
if throttle > 1 then throttle = 1 end
elseif inputs.S == 1 then
throttle = throttle - (dt * throttleIncrement)
if throttle < 0 then throttle = 0 end
--Speed increment
local targetSpeed = topSpeed * throttle
if currentSpeed < targetSpeed then
--increase speed
currentSpeed = currentSpeed + (acceleration * dt)
if currentSpeed > targetSpeed then currentSpeed = targetSpeed end
elseif currentSpeed > targetSpeed then
--decrease speed
currentSpeed = currentSpeed - (acceleration * dt * 2)
if currentSpeed < targetSpeed then currentSpeed = targetSpeed end
--this ratio is a ratio between the aircraft's current speed and its flight velocity
local ratio = math.min(currentSpeed/flightVelocity, 1) --flight velocity is the velocity needed for the plane to achieve flight
--apply speed
plane.PrimaryPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity = plane.PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector * currentSpeed
--apply lift and gyro based on the ratio calculated above
plane.PrimaryPart.BodyForce.Force = Vector3.new(0, game.Workspace.Gravity * planeMass * ratio, 0)
plane.PrimaryPart.BodyGyro.MaxTorque = Vector3.new(planeMass * .5 * ratio, planeMass * .5 * ratio, planeMass * .5 * ratio)
plane.PrimaryPart.BodyGyro.CFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation(0, math.rad(90), 0)
--determine difference in orientation between the camera and the plane
local camX, camY, camZ = camCF:ToOrientation()
local planeX, planeY, planeZ = plane.PrimaryPart.CFrame:ToOrientation()
local turnRatioX, turnRatioY
turnRatioX = math.min(1, math.max(-1, (camX-planeX)/math.rad(55)) )
turnRatioY = math.min(1, math.max(-1, (camY-planeY)/math.rad(55)) )
--negates negligible difference in values to allow for straight flight
if math.abs(turnRatioX) < .06 then turnRatioX = 0 end
if math.abs(turnRatioY) < .06 then turnRatioY = 0 end
--the target turn is based off of the top turn speed and the ratio of difference in angle
--looking all the way to the side will yield the greatest turn speed
local targetTurnX, targetTurnY
targetTurnX = topTurnSpeed * turnRatioX
targetTurnY = topTurnSpeed * turnRatioY
local targetTurnSpeed = CFrame.fromOrientation(targetTurnX, targetTurnY, 0)
--move the turn speed toward the target turn speed
turnSpeed = turnSpeed:Lerp(targetTurnSpeed, 1 * dt)
--adjust the gyro to rotate the plane by the current turn speed
plane.PrimaryPart.BodyGyro.CFrame = plane.PrimaryPart.BodyGyro.CFrame * CFrame.new():Lerp(turnSpeed, ratio)
While in theory this should work, this is what it looks like in practice:
The movements of the plane are erratic and not in line with the expected behavior
Does anyone know what might be causing this? I can provide other samples of code if necessary