Feedback on an Arcade GFX

Before :

After :


This is part of a commission for a hangout game and I need to get some opinions.

Thank you all so much for the feedback and I hope to see you all in my future works!


claps claps claps

It looks good If your a beginner and I assume you are but I would suggest removing things like that random blue light shining from the sky. Also, the person walking in doesn’t really match try making him fade back In the background. If you need any more help private message me.

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The walls on the counter seems bland put some posters…

The arcade screen should be different if no one’s playing just do like some black screen or “Insert coin to play”

Yea definitely the blue light.

okay so first of all. I’m not a beginner by any means but I’d like to understand a thing or two and it’s :
by “random blue light shining from the sky” did you mean the lens flare or is something that is outside the window?

and the bacon that is getting in what should I do to them?

Nice suggestion. I’ll take it.
about the posters well I’ll need to find and/or make the posters myself.

That thing on the roof It’s shining too bright It just ruins the GFX.

Make him fade In like the guy at the counter.

It is ok. Not the best though. The GFX seems really bland and more needs to be added on here IMO. And that light. :grimacing:

Nice job! Here’s a little suggestion though…

There should be a shelf of prizes near the cashier’s side. It doesn’t have to be all complex and all but It’ll absolutely will look like it’s a arcade!

Here’s a little reference if you want to use it.

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Possibly because of the lens flares. I’d be doing a few tweaks here and there.

It really depends on the aesthetics preferences. but let’s say it’s using in-game “coin” currency

Alright, this is actually gonna help me a lot. thanks for giving such reference.

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hey so @tankayyan786 , @UndisiredMilitary @XxMakio how’s it now?

Wow!!! this soooo much better the light the coins the counter! good job :heart:

Maybe add some cables,the prizes you should add L shape metal soo it’s not like flying.

Looks perfect! the shading, the poses great work!

Everything’s looks nice, except I feel it’s still a bit bland.

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Looks fine but try making the floor shine.

You’re doing well on improving a lot and listening on Feedback so far!

Although, something does seem off with the roof. Maybe because there’s only one light source/bulb on it? How about we add some neon light around the near the roof like this instead of one light source/bulb.

If you manage to do that then you’re set! Here’s a little another reference here lol


Great! I like the blue light effect.

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Like what chief? even if the answer is a bit vague I can probably get around it.

Now that’s what I needed! I really did feel like something is missing!

It’s already shining though? I can probably try to boost the shine effect but it looks kind of good to me.

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This is a great GFX! The shading, lighting, even the characters have shadows! This is a very well made GFX if your a beginner. This is a splendid GFX!

That joystick is really disturbing.