and it seems like the feedback was REALLY positive, so i wanted to keep making updates to the game, its still in beta but, i guess this is what i added:
@boterflic5 asked to adjust text in the tutorial and add mobile support, added @veryveryvanilla asked for an “end run” button, added.
aaaand @HouseOfToy asked for different categories, these could be found in the newly added leaderboards! (i mean every speedrunning game needs a leaderboard right?)
test it out here! feel free to list all of the bugs you found here! and thanks once again for the feedback
hey! so glad to see your game again on here! the “end run” button effectively stops the timer and the activity (edit: but it didn’t work on the easy obby), but the menu still isn’t visible so i have to rejoin the game to find a new activity lolol. other than that, everything looks great and i can’t wait to see what you add next!!