Feedback on animations and gun system!

Hello I have been recently experimenting with animations and I think I have made something good! Credits: (All anims - Me) (Models - toolbox) (FPS framework - Me)
Also map is ACS shooting range, ACS is not the framework the framework is custom.

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ok so here’s some stuff you can fix or make better.

  • fix the blurring
  • change fov when aiming in
  • make a smoother recoil
  • make weapon sway
  • remove the player knockback from shooting
  • you can reload at 15/15 bullets which is useless
  • hide the cursor

animations are ok and it has potential. good luck

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What do you mean fix the blurring what’s wrong with it? Also what do you mean change fov wen aiming? Thanks for the feedback. :smiley:

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its not natural and some times blurs for no reason

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It only blurs when you aim??? Hshs

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it doesnt feel natural at all in my opinion


Here’s my feedback.

  • add more ammo

  • add affects

  • loading screen

These are just my suggestions.


Thanks for the feedback :blush: Will make some changes.


Just make sure the FPS system is better than Arsenal’s, since I can say that one isn’t the best one out there.

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Looks clean! 9/10, recoil could be worked on and you could hide the cursor. Also you could make the gun fire faster.

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