Feedback on Anime Wind Effect

So we all know that wind effect from animes, right? Well I tried to make it in Roblox!
This is not an UI, neither a ViewPortFrame!

I would like to fix the thing where the wind moves with your cursor too.
The material should be Neon or SmoothPlastic? Or something else?


You could disable CastShadows on the effects, and the material should very probably be SmoothPlastic as Neon would be too much of a distraction

I disabled them, maybe because of my low graphics

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They’re a little slow compared to what happens in anime, maybe speeding the effect up would help?


That’s a really cool effect, I think you should make it fast and maybe have it tween into position instead of appearing. Maybe try experimenting with materials and transparency as well. Good work so far though!

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You can use forcefield with -1000 transparency for material and it will look better than plastic or neon

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