Feedback on another game idea


Recently, I have thought of ANOTHER game idea!
I’m planning to make this game and not just share my ideas with other developers so let me introduce you to my idea.

How the game will start

The game starts you off in a lobby, like the camping games, or alternatively a GUI-based system like Apeirophobia’s.

Once players are in the game, a cutscene plays as you study and research some sort of creature.

During the cutscene, the lab goes into disarray as all their specimens escape due to sabotage.

The players then wake up somewhere around 12 hours to a day later.

The specimens would be dinosaurs and these will be your enemies for the entirety of the game.

The goal of the players is to escape the facility and island they are trapped on.

Players can find loot to help them survive against the dinosaurs.

The game would have multiple endings to spice up the gameplay.

The parties would have anywhere from 1 - 6 people.
As well, the facility portion may be randomly generated in every server.

The game would be set inside a research facility then an island like I stated in the Gameplay section.

The game would have a serious tone and a dark horror sci-fi tone to the map.

During the island section, I might have a Jurassic Park type vibe.

And that ends my idea.
I’ll be sure to add more stuff during development.
Like I said I’m planning to make this idea into a real game I’m just looking for feedback on the idea.

Thanks for reading!

Edit: Forgot to add this in but the game would be inspired by Deathground even if it’s not released yet.


8.25/10 Idea

Only thing that I don’t like is the fact that you’re basically just “copying” some random Roblox game that no body knows about.
You should add aspects from Atomic Heart too such as weapons.


Deathground isn’t a Roblox game FYI. It’s on Steam. If you aren’t talking about Deathground and your talking about a obscure Roblox game link the game to me via this post.
Also, weapons would be a good thing to add.


So like camp Cretaceous?

Seems interesting good luck!


Yeah pretty much but change the story.

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This sounds like a game that would be interesting to play!

I personally like playing survival/escape games and the idea of escaping from a lab with escaped dangerous specimens sounds fun! I would support this idea and I hope you can make it work.

(Is the idea for this to be similar to an SCP laboratory game?)

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Kind of I guess? Although you will have to escape a lab, there won’t be any teams and the specimens won’t be playable.

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Is the game name:
Jurassic Blox lol?

I find this a solid game idea.