Hello everyone!
I decided I wanted to show another one of the GFX’s I created.
Note that I am new to making GFX
Feedback is much appreciated!!
(I used Blender and Photoshop)
Hello everyone!
I decided I wanted to show another one of the GFX’s I created.
Note that I am new to making GFX
Feedback is much appreciated!!
(I used Blender and Photoshop)
This is so cool, my favorite part is the sky and the moon!
Thank you so much! I love the moon and sky too. I tried to make it match and I wanted the shading to be decent. Thanks for feedback!
no problem! I am very excited to see what else you come up with. you seem to be a very talented GFX artist!
Thanks, I will be posting more of my work once I create something else.
Amazing! I love the lighting! I would say the lack of a face makes it a little underwhelming though.
That is awesome! The lighting is really nice I also like the moon and stars in the background good work.
You are very good at creating this.
Thanks a lot!! All glad you liked it.
I love the background as well, thanks for the feedback.
Thank you for the feedback! Having the character looking at the camera would not have been as good in my opinion. I get what you mean though!!
You should use the heart button to acknowledge that you agree or thank someone since you can be flagged and warned for replying to a lot of posts and only saying thanks. Think of the heart button as a “Thanks”.
hes not looking at the camera. but it does look a bit strange that the hoodie looks a lot like a head.
I reply to the first few people, but thanks for the information.
Hey! I like this one a lot. Nice and simple. Nothing to up-in-your-face or crazy.
I couldn’t help but notice 2 small problems though…
What is he grabbing onto? Shouldn’t he be supporting himself off of the ladder provided? Gravity would make him fall! That’s all I can say that you can improve on those. Nice job though!
Nothing in this is missing surprisingly!
The only thing that i don’t like about it is the poses being stiff. try making it like he’s trying to stay put instead of looking like he got super glue on 'em.
There is another bar where his hand and leg is. The angle makes it look odd. Thank you for feedback.
Looks good, but you should work on the lighting.