Feedback on another UI

Hey Devs. I made a new UI and I tried a different style. I tried adding a bit more detail…

So here it is!

Feedback is appreciated!


Cool, the only thing is that the shop text doesn’t look aligned and the box its in is just to big for it in general. Another thing is that the X should be more towards the corner. Other then that it’s cool!

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How you made the background? can you tell

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I made a wide rounded rectangle, used the polygon lasso tool to cut out some parts, then added stroke and a drop shadow. After I copy n pasted it so there are three.

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I think this is very good, I can’t give feedback because this is just perfect! I love it! keep it up.


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This looks a bit bland in my opinion. I’m also not fond of the pinkish skin-like colour (unless there’s a specific use case).

There are a lot on inconsistencies, such as the exit button being in and title being partially out of the contents frame. The title also looks out of place.

Because you used 3D art, the X button just looks like it’s sitting there. The shadow on the pale frame is a bit dark.

The outlines take away all the attention. I’m not focused on the main aspect of the UI: the contents.

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I would give it 10 stars if it was more even

There are chips on the side of the gui but not the bottom or top

Thanks for reading my feedback
7 :money_with_wings:

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I’m a fan. 9/10, it looks professionally made. Very good use of outlines and colors.

The only complaint I have is the black outline not being centered. Not sure if you were going for a 3D feel going top-left but it seems like a mistake.

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Yea its drop shadow. I used it by accident.


Wow! It looks great! It reminds me of some UI’s my friend @.amobamocamo did. I love the outline on all of the elements, and the splints in the wood. Only thing I would recommend is maybe adding a DropShadow to the Frame, Great job!

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