I made an Arcade Machine today for the basis of making more and eventually a whole arcade. I would like feedback on what I could improve and what else I should add.
Here is the arcade machine if you want to check it out: Arcade - Roblox
I made an Arcade Machine today for the basis of making more and eventually a whole arcade. I would like feedback on what I could improve and what else I should add.
Here is the arcade machine if you want to check it out: Arcade - Roblox
Looks pretty good!
The font of the text is kinda unappealing. You should add more design to the machine. For instance, you could add some “lasers” along the platform of the machine. You should also make the border of the machine a little dimmer. That’s all I have to say. Keep up the great work!
Fantastic arcade machine! it looks better than most arcade machines I’ve seen so far on roblox.
Did you use any reference images? Because it is a bit pit of proportions to the r6 character mostly in width, although r6 isn’t proportionally accurate in the first place.
I though it was r6 at first thats my fault.
I did use some reference images where I just looked up arcade machine on google and took notes on what to add.
As for the r6 part I didn’t use an r6 I used an r15 avatar.