Check it out!
you should have the player on both their knees instead of one
Poor dummy… na its a joke, but its very nice
This animation looks very good! I like how it looks. Good job on it!
Very nice and smooth! Like @Vnyxx said, with this type of animation, you could make the player be on both knees instead of just one knee. Either that, or you could make the Dummy stand up if you’re looking for realistic posture for being arrested.
Great Job! If you plan on adding it to a game, maybe add like 3 variations of the arrest animations.
(That jiggle though )
Hello sorry for the late reply!
This animation is based off of prison lifes animation and I chose this design choice because its what people are familiar with
In the future im planning to add different variations, but other then that how do you like the animation?
Hello thank you for the feedback
I feel like the animation with the one knee is good for what im looking for in an open world enviournment however in the future after release ill be adding different combinations
Yes im planning to add the variations in the future