Feedback on Art I made for paintings around your game

So I sort of starting making monochormatice landscape art.

If yu dont know what that is I will show you in a sec.

Just keep this is mind while you look at them.

  1. Whats there worth in robux?
  2. What can be better?
  3. What do you like about them?

Want one?


The 1st one is pretty bad. I know!

Trying to remake that one.


Quick question, what is your idea as to how these paintings are going to be used in games?


Probably just paintings on the wall. I think they would look really cool!


Yeah, I didn’t really understand the first one lol. Other one’s look really cool though!
Maybe a price around… I’d say 50-65.


Just my honest opinion, but the first, second, and forth drawing does not look very good. It is very obvious that someone simply drew it, which anyone can do. The third drawing looks better than other, but again, anybody can create this kind of work. Therefore, I do not think these drawings would sell for anything. Even if they do, I would estimate around 10 robux.
I highly suggest to create and sell something that is difficult to produce.


Looks great, but not sure why you are costing your work a watermark at the bottom of your work for some mere text you can simply put on using a free editing tool such as Pixlr X. This service doesn’t even provide copy-protection, just a ‘watermark’!

Screenshot 2021-05-31 at 14.35.43

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I used a site that auto generated that.

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Yes like @KFiesh said

For house or something.

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Again just started on these, working on making them better.

Thank You For the feedback.

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Glad to see you like them.

Thanks for the Feedback!

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Check your DM’S, But, I like them! How did you make them?

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I made them using Autodesk Sketchbook.

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Check the message is sent you! But anyways, cool!

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Oh, yeah.

  1. Whats there worth in robux? - I dont understand that.
  2. What can be better? -Maybe the colors in some.
  3. What do you like about them?- It’s hard to describe, I just do.
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How much would you pay for it.

I would probably pay aroound 50, even though I could never see myself using something like this in a game.

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I love the concepts you’ve painted, but maybe clean up the painting a tad bit! In the first one, I would change the black color to maybe a really dark blue, like midnight blue. Additionally, you could add a tad bit more white throughout the piece so that one section doesn’t stand out too much. With monochromatic pieces, you want to make sure they blend in a bit and don’t stand out too much. So maybe remove the white lining through the piece and blend the colors in a tad bit!

Overall, I think you just need to remove the huge sections of black and make it a darker shade of the color you’re using in the piece. It’s way too bold. If you’re going to use black, make it more transitional! Also, clean up your lines. The last one looks great, but it’s a bit messy.

I would pay maybe around 50 - 100 R$ for these! Keep up the awesome work, art isn’t easy. :heart:


I agree with everything you said.

I will keep this in mind as I make future art work.

Thank You for the feedback.

I really like the colors you used, your pictures look a bit rough though.

Good job!!

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