this is my first time using 2.82 of blender (i usually use 2.79) and i just want to know your feedback and critique
This is visually pleasing to look at and I am thoroughly impressed with your work. I am personally not great at GFX and such but I am a moderately okay artist. Heres some suggestions and things I noticed.
The quality is good but make a more seamless transition from the foreground into the background
For example in this image, it shows foreground middleground and background now in your render I am not really seeing a middleground but nonetheless it looks amazing, this could be the image for the background or the positioning of it but it’s still better than anything I can ever do. -
The lighting
The lighting is great but it can be even better maybe making the lighting a little bit more intense to grab the eye might help, not necessarily more brightness but more exaggeration on the lighting aspect possibly darker or more fine shadows. -
Keep up the good work!
Man I really would love something from you in the future!
Everything else is fine in my eyes so for more suggestions others can help with such your shading is impressive. The realism is intense and the render is practically everything a thumbnail needs to be appealing and hooking.
Nice job! The only thing I see are the sunglasses that are a bit forward but that could have been intentional.
That’s pretty well done I say so myself. Just:
Issues you could make happen.
Adding another person in the background. Kinda looks plain (Note: Unless your planning to put a title there then just leave it.)
The glasses maybe a-bit more shading could do. Around the side of the head is.
Apart from that. Pretty godly work! Keep it up!
looking good, good looking!. If you needed to change anything, I’d say this:
- the helmet lens is a bit too far, if it was closer it would be less odd-looking
- the mic, well, it should be in the person’s mouth, not near the nose
- think that the overall look of this, and roblox in general (excluding the never-used rthro bodies which look like action figures and less like legos) is a bit cartoony. If you want to avoid that cartoony look you can do it, it could be easy or hard depending on what you’re doing, but I personally would tell you to bring a balance between both: not too cartoony because it looks like a child’s game, not too realistic because roblox is not suited for that; a balance between both, not the most realistic thing you’ll ever see but not the most lego-like aspect you probably are trying to avoid.
- The background seems a bit, too realistic? I know you want to make it realistic, but it’s hard to do it with roblox’s cubic bodies. It would make people think “what am I supposed to think about this? is it too realistic, or is it too cartoony?”
Many of these things are too complex for just an image. If you want to make the very best, every opinion matters (even this one), but if it’s just a little practice for one time things, then don’t think too much in all that I said, it’s more details than simple images…
The quality of the render is great, and it’s very eye-catching. The trees on the background shouldn’t be so much of a blur, and the sunlight should be seen better. The gun looks very realistic with the textures. The left arm is not really great of a balance of the upper arm and lower arm. I think the lower arm should be longer. Other than that, great render!