On the bad device
So, I left it loading for 5 minutes whilst AFK, came back and there were still 80+ assets remaining. Probably due to how slow the device is. Then in the time it took to set this up, I lost connection… Assets loaded much faster second time, completed in under a minute.
So the fact that standing still and attacking propels you forward can be annoying in its own right, but walking and attacking slows you down. Feels annoying, though I can understand why you do it.
I’d personally prefer a stamina bar or some indication that I can use dodge again rather than trial and error or wait the approximately 5 second cooldown - when I play RPG games, I tend to plan out skill usages whilst taking in the cooldowns, i.e. launching a boost skill before another skill cooldown finishes, so that when the boost skill animation is over, I can go straight into the attack to maximise usage (which I imagine a bunch of others players do as well).
For the menu, you also need to have your weapon unequipped in order to open it, which I didn’t realise the first time I joined the server (30th October), and just assumed that it was a W.I.P./buggy feature (since I like to familiarise myself with movements & controls before UI). Also, you can just equip weapons after the menu is open, rendering this redundant, though you can’t fight with them. However, you can’t take the menu off when your weapon is out, which is also annoying. You can also just walk into a red zone with it out with no effects.
In menu → Quests → Completed, you keep the “drop quest” button, which I don’t particularly want to test till I get the better laptop and can trek back to the starting point to see how dialogue’s are affected by quest completion and drops.
I don’t know if your quest UI boxes are temporary or purposeful, however, while it looks fine whilst in the menu, when receiving the quests, to but it bluntly, I was completely thrown off the first time I saw it. Perhaps adding a background would help, or rounding off the edges?
It would also be nice to have explanations on what stats increase. I can guess that luck impacts drop chance (however, to what extent?) and that strength increases damage. As a starting player, I don’t know what types of weapons are there except swords (i.e. melee weapons). If there was magic and ranged weapons, I’d assume they’d be incremented (damage-wise) by intellect and dexterity, respectively.
There’s a delay with the UI for showing you’re able to interact with an NPC and showing how to interact (confirmed with multiple NPCs).
Diamond without text

Text without Diamond

Skill previews don’t do anything.
Should add an option to toggle quest objective completion on the screen. After rejoining or dying, you have to keep going into your menu to check. Good that it tells you when it gets completed though.
Both upon resetting and dying in combat didn’t break the enemies this time! 
Standing in certain parts of the red area can still cause me to not take damage? Specifically with the Diamond golems and standing right at the edge (i.e. close as possible/inside) of the golems. This is give or take on when it happens. Intervals between attacks vary to up to 5+ seconds.
Some sort of healing feature outside of potions, such as over-time healing whilst in green areas, would be great.
After a while, my weapon stopped functioning… Unequipped and requipping didn’t fix it. Neglected to see if skills would work. Both animation &, damages didn’t happen. Resetting fixed it. The second time it stopped functioning was after I messed around with equipping a new weapon - don’t know if this was related. Skills could be activated and worked fine, however, even after and in between skills, I couldn’t attack normally.
Console errors
Got stuck in a fence where animations, attacks, skills, dodges etc didn’t do anything.
Got stuck in a fence
After equipping a new weapon, it’s a bit buggy with equipping a different weapon. Sometimes does it, sometimes doesn’t.
Going to post in case aforementioned bugs are addressed by time I re-open on the better device tomorrow. Couldn’t go to deep into combat due to lag (mainly because of my device).
On the better device
Will edit it when I get it on Friday 1st November.
Actual feedback