Feedback on Axe

Hello, today I decided I’d try to make an axe inspired by the popular sword The Crucible. external-content.duckduckgo-1
Here’s are a shot of the Axe!

The word on it Means “Power” in Japanese .:confused:

Feedback appreciated!


I think the ax is a great start, but you could improve it and add a few things.

  • A more pronounce white outline
  • More detail on the ax head itself. The Crucible has lots of smaller white symbols, you could replicate on the ax using a texture.
  • The handle is in dire need of detail. I suggest making it look more stone like and rough, with a leather/ rope grip.

Have some fun modeling it and play around with different designs, you never know what might look good!
I hope this feedback helps, good luck!

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doesn’t look great because: the glow is too much and not on all parts, plus its literally just a flaming hot piece of metal stuck on a stick, not even stick on metal thats on a metal stick. there isn’t really any good handle, and you need mre detail, scratches, neon edges, little dots and patterns on the axe head.

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