Feedback on Backrooms game

So today I asked myself: Can I make a game in less than 1 day?
And I managed.
Rate the game, and give feedback! :smiley:

Also don’t ask about the content in the rest of the group… The group is mostly a joke.

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Not a bad game honestly. I really liked it! Though, it did lack some enviroment to it so maybe try adding some fog and some ominous music?


I will add that later

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Yeah okay. I am not even telling you to add it right now. Take your time.


I actually enjoyed that! It wasn’t really scary, but it was fun. It did have me on edge sometimes though, like when I was roaming a hallway and turned a corner and saw the monster walking in the distance, forcing me to turn back. I also like how it takes your appearance after you die. Super cool! My only criticisms are the lack of atmosphere/environment, and during a chase the monster would sometimes try to walk the other way and not chase me. Overall, nice game (for being made in under a day)! 6/10 for me.

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it is practically an identity fraud ripoff, so if you enjoyed it, go play that! it is much higher quality, but has much less skill required.

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Lol yeah I’ve played identity fraud before, I can see the inspiration! I still liked the game a lot, it was really cool :slight_smile:

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