Feedback on Bakery Corner

I’ve been programming and animating and doing visual effects and UI for quite some time. I have lots of modeling experience in Blender, but am terrible at architecture. I was determined to get better, so I had a look at multiple different pieces of work and decided to build for the first time. Please give honest feedback.


This looks great! I’m also crappy at architecture. You seem really good at it though! How do you do it?

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Man has a skill, Man uses a skill.

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But. but… I don’t have the skill I I don’t know how to get it. ;(

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Years of training, And Eye for looking how is it much good or where to fix

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I am really, really bad at creativity. I like to look at multiple inspiration points before I do something. I need something to base my creations off of. Look hard for good developers who post work and take bits and pieces of ideas from multiple different creations, and then use those ideas to make your own.

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Three words. Practice… Practice… Practice…


Take insipartions from real life places next time, remake anything to last detail, this will look amazing.


I like how the bakery is organized and the build is so industrial. One thing, I feel like the bakery is a bit small or empty. I recommend adding more things including an oven, or stove, a couple mops, etc. Either way, I like the architecture you added.


This looks amazing. Well done. :+1:

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@Vexitory When did you create the architecture?

a few days ago, took a few hours to complete

In my opinion, I think your architecture is good. Based on how much time you made it, its pretty good.

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Really Cool Bakery with very cool color combo with the Wood and Suff!