Feedback on Ban System

I made a ban system for an admin system that I’m making, and I’m looking for feedback.

You can use the code, but just leave credit.

for _,v in pairs(GetPlayer(player, args)) do --get player
				if not args[2] then return end 
				if not args[3] then
					local data_ = data.get(player) --get data
					if data_.Ban.Moderator == nil then data_.Ban.Moderator = player.Name end
					if not data_.Ban.Reason then data_.Ban.Reason = "N/A" end
					data_.Ban.Banned = true
					v:Kick("You were kicked from the game.\nModerator: "..data_.Ban.Moderator..".\n\nReason:\n"..data_.Ban.Reason)
					local data_ = data.get(player)
					local result = {}
					for i = 3, #args do
						table.insert(result, args[i])
					if data_.Ban.Moderator == nil then data_.Ban.Moderator = player.Name end
					if data_.Ban.Reason == "N/A" then data_.Ban.Reason = table.concat(result, " ") end
					data_.Ban.Banned = true
					v:Kick("You were kicked from the game.\nModerator: "..data_.Ban.Moderator..".\n\nReason:\n"..data_.Ban.Reason)

hello, your ban system looks hot and working smoothly, it looks great!

Also In my opinion I’d upload it to youtube and send a link, I’m quite suspicious about google drive as you have the option to see who clicked on your link.

Either way, nice Ban system, and good luck with more commands, and might wanna check if it actually works more than once and that it works serverside.

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I also am suspicious about Drive links. You know you can put the video on the post right @zCrxtix.

The file size is too big, but I’ve never considered youtube.

Anyway nice system. I haven’t had a look at the script yet. But I will be sure to!