Feedback on Baturay's Difficulty Chart Obby

Lately, I’ve sped up the development of my game. In spite of some consequences of finishing this game earlier than I anticipated, I believe I’ve made a very valuable game, at least for me. I started developing on February 2021, and I put an end to the first development of my game before it had been a year. I will keep updating it every week. I hope it gets a decent amount of visits.

Link to the game:

It will be awesome if you leave some feedback below and evaluate the game in its detail, from thumbnails to negligible matters.


I just played the game and it was great!

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um why is there nothing on the Intermediate part?

Hi! Thank you for joining and for the feedback.

I couldn’t build any more because I have run out of ideas. But there will be more stages in the future.

  • Skip tutorial?
  • Way too much buttons!
  • I don’t like the font on the intro.

Hello! Thank you for your feedback.

I had thought of adding a button skipping the tutorial. But visualized if the person joining for the first time wouldn’t comprehend how to play it, and learn the basics. Thanks for pointing out that. I’ll carry that out.

I don’t think there are too many buttons since they are all practical. Perhaps, I may abate the size of the buttons. Consider using the ‘hide buttons’ button.

Eventually, I will try to change the font on the introduction.

The game would benefit from alignment keys

Hi, I took another look at your game. And please remove the tags, It does not make your game any better and drags players away.

This game is good, here’s what I liked:

  • The title of the song will show
  • Performance UI (FPS and Ping)
  • Hide UI
  • Hints
  • Scaler in Practice Area
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I just updated the game with the help of the feedback above, and I want you guys to review the game again. How can I improve the performance of building and graphics?