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why didnt you just call it “better chicken”
Okie dokie.
Please try your best to keep the replies on-topic though, it got removed last time because of that.
welcome back 1984. anyways yeah, that looks a lot better
Thanks. I tried my best to take the previous replies into consideration. I made sure to fix the neck, a lot of people made comments on it.
It feels Minecrafty. It looks decent!
(seriously just call it a cockerel)
yeah, the neck was definitely a bit too high. i’m happy you added a bit more details to the legs & stuff like that
Add Texture Details: Introduce subtle textures or shading to give depth to the feathers or could also add pixelated feather patterns to make it more dynamic.
Improve the Legs and Feet: The legs could have more articulation or slight color gradients to differentiate the feet from the legs. Maybe add small claws to the feet for extra detail.
im so immature omg
anyways your chicken looks pretty good, it gives off a somewhat stylistic, pixelated vibe imo
why do you keep deleting your posts… you know you can just edit them right
sorry i should not delete them i just wanted them to see it but they dont reply
i shouldnt delete my posts anyways back to the… chicken… i mean cock
Gang is fixing to get his account suspended
Anyway the feet of the cockerel need talons.
I did see it, and I was about to reply.
Update: I have taken some feedback into account and made modifications.
How is it now? What can I further improve?
And what does everyone think about me rigging it?
(I could probably pick a better texture)
I even added spurs, cause cocks got them things and when they flog you they use them like knives and it can bruise me through my jeans.
I could make the cock go crazy and attack the player when it gets mad, if I decide to make it an NPC.
Please refrain from creating non-contributive posts and actually give feedback on the model. I’ve seen this happen on too many topics, leading to the original poster receiving punishment rather than the people who steered off-topic.
After looking at the updated model, I can’t really think of anything that could be improved. Maybe the torso size? Other than that, it’s great.
Thanks for your reply!
Maybe I should make it slimmer?
Why would you get my hopes up like that
I’m not sure, it’s fine as it is, but if you want a specific area of improvement I’d look there since that’s what looks the most off if you look hard enough.