I would appreciate some feedback on the game I’m working on with my friend (Vessoms). it’s a bit unique compared to other tycoons, in the way it’s structured, and I was hoping for some feedback, and thoughts on the game.
I just played the game and really enjoyed it. After I completed the final level of the building, is there anything else to do except let the money accumulate? Also, is the any sound (other than the sound of my foot steps)?
The thumbnail looks like it’s taken from a “clickbait” yt roblox channel.
And i’ve seen like a million of these games.
You and your friend should change the thumbnail.
The map seems a bit unfinished. Other than that, I like it!
Thanks for replying. Yeah, we need to add more to the game, but thought that 6 floors would be enough for now. You’re right, that the game needs more audio/sounds; what sounds do you think would improve the game? We wouldn’t want it to be too overwhelming, but we want sounds that are satisfying, but which don’t get too repetitive.
Obviously, it’s your game and it’s your vision, so take my suggestions for what they’re worth. If you’re concerned about the sound being over whelming, maybe start off small. For example, play a brief sound each time a dropper (or any item) is created. Some sort of mechanical build sound. You could also, play some sort of sound for the conveyer belt. (I would play that at a low volume when the player is close in order to avoid being annoying). For example, in my little game I play a bubbling lava sound when the character is passing over the lava pit. You do not hear the sound unless you’re very close to it. That’s a couple of suggestions. Like I said it’s your vision, so if my suggestions go against your vision, then discard them.
it’s a best tycoon what we played, and him who model it it’s look cool