I started Blender recently and this is one of my first creations, thoughts?
It’s supposed to be a rocket but I’m not sure if that’s too obvious
I started Blender recently and this is one of my first creations, thoughts?
I like the details of it, great job keep it up
Overall, you manage to captured the RPG 7 look. However I wouldn’t really call it your first creation more like a 2 or 3 attempt.
Your trigger area looks rushed and doesn’t follow the proper shape. It should be sized differently and more curved into the gun part. The image below shows the trigger part. There are other features on the gun such as the wooden shield try making it more fat looking. You don’t need to make the other objects look all neat like the trigger part should just be a curved object inside the gun next to the handle but it’ll make the launcher way better.
The model doesn’t feature the two handles, usually people will hold it when firing rockets out of it keeping it balance and steady consider placing a few more details so it could look more finished. I believe you could put a lot more effort into the back of the model. At least have it look more longer while keeping a simple design in the image below the front body itself should be smooth, not too chunky or fat. If you add a small iron sight like in the picture it’ll feature those small object that are missing.
Overall the body area looks well made tend to put more effort into making your model look better since you’re a beginner this could be used when finishing the final model. Then, having the (Optical Sight, Iron Sight,) on the top of each part would make it look complete.
I’d suggest using extra loop cuts on the left hand side to make it look more smooth, and in my opinion you should completely recreate the trigger and the handle, as they look weird and poorly scaled, this is because the trigger is bigger than the handle, which makes no sense. I’d also suggest you shading this smooth and using “Auto Smooth” at around a 30 degree angle, to get the smooth “metal” like look.
heh, if its your own imaginary concept its pretty cool, looks like a mashup of a bunch of rocket launchers
yeeeeeees. this RPG is good, i think think amazing.
The detail on this is phenomenal. I’m not an expert in Blender, but I’d gotta say that this is a pretty nice model!