Feedback on Blender Scene

For the first time, I decided to hop into blender to create a SciFi scene, with some reference; could I have some feedback (what should I try do next), how can I improve this, etc.
Keep in mind I use a trackpad so I’m pretty limited to what I can do.

The scene is meant to be something like going into and from a pixelated land, from the regular world to the alien world, vice versa. The inspiration was from the Area 51 memes.


Thanks in advance!


That looks great! What are you going for here? Is it some sort of ‘hyperdrive’ that someone goes into?
In that case a motion blur going outwards would be quite cool.

Also the colour scheme seems a little bit odd, purple mixed with green - maybe try using colours that complement each other?

The render has come out quite nice, great job!

It looks very cool but I’m not sure what it is (lol). Maybe I can give you criticism after you explain.

You can have thin strips of rectangular goo sliding down the bricks. Maybe some falling from the ceiling too.

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I was making a SciFi scene, like walking into a pixelated world; the reason for the green was to resemble some alien goo.

It looks great!

  • I can see that you’re going for a sc-fi look although it comes off to me as just a cool little visual thing. I think that’s because there’s not much space/sc-fi stuff in this scene.

  • The green looks weird and out of place in my opinion. I didn’t even know it was alien goo until you said. If you want it to look more like alien goo maybe have some drips coming off of it like this?:

  • Maybe make a focus on the goo instead of it just being on one side and maybe an alien slime like creature at the top with a trail behind it?

Other than that it looks great!Good job. Good luck on your future blender scenes/renders!
:+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

I used a node to randomize the placement of the “goo”, it’s pretty difficult to find the best balance between too much and too subtle.


It’s wonderful! The things should be improved on:

  • Make the green neon visible on the left / bottom / top sides, unless it doesn’t work because of rendering

  • Add a HDR background for more of a sci-fi look

I would also add an alien ship of some kind in the middle rotated with a nice trail. But so far it looks great!


Looks really nice! From my perspective, here is some feedback:

  • Make the goo more natural, for example, running down the side. Also, you should spread it out a little bit, so it’s not all in one place. I can understand it’s hard to balance subtleness and too much, but you can definitely put some more in here!
  • The black things on the sides, what are they? Perhaps they’re just shadows and I’m not seeing them as they are meant to be viewed, but I’m not sure.
  • If you want to go further with this, you could smooth the sides and perhaps add a spaceship or something faintly in the distance?

The inspiration was from the Area 51 memes.

And plus, this makes it even better :upside_down_face:

The black things extruding on the sides is me using a displace node, then in the properties, distorting them. As far as the goo goes; I haven’t used physical models, I’ve used a mapping node with a ColorRamp to randomize and make certain parts glare, though this is all random with the rotation value. I’m not really a modeler and this was my first try at something pretty difficult.

Thanks for the feedback, I’ll attempt some of your suggestions!

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It looks very good, but I feel like it’s missing something, like a ship.
Right now it feels very empty, and that’s okay if you were going for that feel, but you can definitely make this piece much more interesting.

Yeah, they were just some ideas. The things I picked out were just me being extremely picky and trying to give some feedback that could potentially help you out. Regardless, it’s still really cool!

Haha, kind of reminds me of the Lego Movie. Don’t you think?
Note: this got flagged for off-topic, this isn’t off-topic, I’m making a connection.

Damn, that resemblance is so accurate, you just opened my eyes to another level.

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