Feedback on block shade

Hello it’s dodosnicker I made @Crazedbrick1 today as a block shade what do y’all think of it feedback appreciated and criticism thanks



@Crazedbrick1 approves. :ok_hand: :sunglasses:


This is amazing, I love it and I’m 100% @Crazedbrick1 loves it as well! Amazing job! :+1:

@TheStudKingYT approved. :laughing: :laughing:

i made that happen

It’s perfect! Although the hammer accessory looks like it is in front of the left headphone

Haha thanks so much!!!

Lol yes you did LOLOLOLOL!!! THANKS

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Hmm. Yes I see what you mean thanks for the info

its nice, i like everything except the headphones mouth face glasses and the grey thingiees other than that its good

that is literally almost the entire portrait lmafo

lol no, what do you even mean
Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 5.17.17 PM
you’re saying that is the entire portrait? the face sunglasses head and grey things are there.

LOL im blind from me eyes

roblox is cool

Wow, I’m very impressed. This looks really good!

If you’re looking for any constructive criticism or suggestions, I would search up examples of stencil art. It’s very similar to this art form and there’s some very good tips you may learn on honing your skills.

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