very well made, not only it almost finish but it also needs some texture and also color. so… I recommend you just painted black and not texture or use texture by using in a blender.
so… I like the bulletproof vest, it is really looking nice. job well done.
that all for now and I will see you in the next reply…
Wow! It honestly looks very good!!
Though it looks a bit thin there, I think you can fix that if you want
Also, it would look a bit better with different colors and stuff!
First and most importantly:
@SScriptic A warm welcome to Devforum from the community.
Secondly, my opinion:
Honestly the vest is rather nice, as @RISING_ROBLOX said it needs texture and coloring but from a build point of view its fine.
If your going to have thin straps at the top, make sure they have a felt / Velcro pattern to make it implied its a strap and not a part of the vest, else it will need to be more bulky (if we’re being realistic about it).
Good design though.