Feedback on build

Hey! So I’m currently in the middle of building something to keep myself entertained, and I’d appreciate some opinions and suggestions on what I can add. Thank you! :slight_smile:

(It’s not completely finished)


this is my first post so if I’ve somehow accidentally put this in the wrong place that’s my bad


Great use of lightning and brings a massive immersion of the graphics. It’s lovely one thing I’d say is try use textures on your builds to bring a more of a feel to the building.

Here’s some of my work, as you can see it uses some textures. But to bring it out more put one of roblox’s studio’s materials on the block then proceed to add a texture over it but turn down the trasnparency to what you wish. It will bring a more realistic feel other than just a clean straight build.

Overall great build!


thanks! i’ll be sure to try this out :slight_smile:

I love the use of textures! This looks like a very good build, I like the color of the grass and the warm feel of the sky! It looks brilliant!

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