Feedback on Build

Hi, my name is Kent and I have been building for around a month or so. I built for a short moment a year and a half ago before quitting and then just came back three weeks ago.

This build is something I made yesterday and I want the feedback of the people here in devforum. I’m not that familiar with lighting so apologies if it isn’t that good.

You can visit the place here:

I originally planned for this abandoned gas station to be one of the secret entry’s to an underground bunker but I scrapped it since I don’t have time but I could possibly get back on it in the future.


You may want to make some of the gas pumps and the sign by the road look broken or old to match the rest of the area. Also consider adding some grass and street lights. The build itself definitely looks great and has a considerably good amount of detail. A job well done indeed.


Hello there! I really like your build! I think it really resembles a abandoned gas station. I have a few suggestions for your!


  • I feel like the gas station sign outside should have some fading text on it, or maybe even some numbers lop-sided and half falling off to help the feel of the design of a abandoned gas station. Other than that, the outside looks really good.


  • The inside looks pretty good, but in the office behind the counter, I feel there should be 2 details should be added.

  • Number 1: The file cabinet in the right corner of the office should have a open drawer or two, just to help the abandoned vibe for the build.

  • I also think the text on the floor should have some text on them, or even just blank paper with the lines, (without words) or maybe even both. That pretty much sums up the suggestions I have for the inside.

Other than that I really like the build, you are a talented builder! :rocket:

Picture of Suggested Areas

gas3 gas2


Your abandoned gas station looks, really good like all the details you added. All through the map and the building itself it really looks abandoned! however there is a couple of things you could improve one!!

My Suggestions

I feel the store looks really good however, there doesn’t seems to have that much to it. You could make some of the text letters, broken and on the ground to look like it been there for a long time and the ground part looks a little plain! you could add some glass, paper, broken road. And weeds on the building to fit in with the rest of the area. As well make the store look broken, and old i would suggest you do that…

Inside Area
I would give the inside part more details. Such as broken things some of the shelves on the ground to look more better as well give the, floor some paper bottles on the ground. To look more abandoned! and the bathroom area you could make some of the. Doors broken and cracked to give it more details! As well you could, have some of them on the the ground!!

Outside Area
As i said above you could, add some glass on the ground part, and make the gas price sign look old and broken and parts on the ground. As by looking at it it looks not old i would fix that a bit more. Overall you have done a great job on it, i would maybe make the legs! broken on the gas tank to fit the whole scene…!

Aside all of that, you have done a great job hope to see more of your work very soon!!

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@Swiffted @wevetments @jordonh23 I appreciate the feedback. I will take your suggestions into account and make changes later.

Outside Area
Outside used to have concrete parts as ground but then I changed it to smooth terrain asphalt but if you look closely the remaining concrete parts have cracking textures on them.

It also used to have grass mesh but it looked weird but that was before I switched to asphalt so I will try and see later.

I will add some left behind merchandise but the idea was to make it look like it was quickly vacated hence the appliances and furniture remained.


IMO, the parking lot striping doesn’t look so great with a plane of grass. I see what you’re trying to accomplish, but to fill out the theme, you could use a rundown parking lot with the following:

  • Ripped up asphalt (going as far as misaligning chunks of asphalt)
  • Weeds/grass growing through cracked asphalt
  • Litter
  • Maybe even one lonely light with a warm hue
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Erosion on asphalt with grass and weeds growing from those erosion?

Yes, feel free to implement whatever you see fit from my suggestions. I think you’d enjoy seeing the complement it would make to the store.


Made initial changes.



Eroded some of the asphalt since asphalt erodes over time and painted the edges of the outer area with grass to make it look like grass is seeping from the outside.

EDIT: Noticed that some of the grass are not anchored and a few iffies, will fix it.

I guess you are using terrain for the ground. If I may suggest using a more asphalt-y color instead of completely green, as this would bring out the overgrowth and make the pumps stand out.

Also, I’d work on an entrance into the gas station, build a concrete island to fill in that space a bit.

Progress thus far looks great!


Using external textures for your build would do you very good, unless you are going for a ROBLOX vibe.

Hey! This build is nice and realistic. I rate it 8/10 Keep working!

It looks really nice for a build, but I see a few issues, The trees don’t match very well with the grass, the road doesn’t match with the gas station concrete surface, and most of all the top part of the convenience store appears to be off centered. Looks really nice overall, better than most builds I’ve seen on the Developer forums!

It looks really nice. Well done!


  • This sign looks very untouched compared to the rest of the build(It seems you’re going for an abandoned/ run down theme):

  • I’m not sure if it’s just me or not but the trees seem like they don’t really match the map, maybe play with the colours a bit.

It’s a great build and I wish you good luck on your future builds!

This build is really good! I really like the detailing of the abandoned gas station with an array of materials and small detailing that hint towards it’s demise.

The one improvement I’d suggest is for several detailing to look more run down, so perhaps the pylons could have a few cables lose or the pole is slightly wonky and the road could have a few bushes or shrubs to suggest the remoteness and emptiness of the area.

Overall this build looks great, the trees, the rock tunnel and long small road really amplify the feeling of loneliness.

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