Feedback on cafe build!

Looking for feedback on one of my first builds!
(Yes, this is based on ‘Lucciano’s Cerro de las Rosas’ with a few tweaks here and there)

Link to cafe:
(cafe - Roblox)


I think this is amazing. It would take me months to do this. Great job.

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Looks very luxurious and cool. I really like it.

this is really great, there’s so many details to it!
even outlets

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Thanks so much, I appreciate the feedback! I believe it took me around 2-3 months to complete this if im not wrong lol… with some small changes from time to time :sweat_smile:

Thanks! Really appreciate the feedback :smiley:

Thanks! Its the magic of negating and unions :joy:

I’d suggest learning a little bit of blender to avoid unions.

  • Unions in their masses (from experience) cause a long delay in joining time.
  • Lagging your client
  • Slowing other scripts

Looks really clean, modern and flashy, your cafe build definitely stands out from others! Not much I can give for feedback really, everything’s perfect as is, from extra detailing and custom textures!

I’ll try this, thanks for the info!

Thank you so much!! Appreciate it :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

i love the outdoor rooftop area. I think this would look good in those roleplay games like pacifico

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it fr looks amazing, super accurate to the real one too