I am sub-new to Studio and here is the first cafe build that I have ever worked on. Since I am NOT a scripter or UI designer, the scripts and UI in the game may not be the best. Are there any suggestions to improve my build?
Hey. Looks pretty nice, it lacks in color and outside design. The trees seem really bulky and the seats look like they’re from a prison. Just try to add more design & color (try to add pics for people who cant play)
I think the letters at the entrance are too bright. And the letters on the roof are not really part of a cafe game. I also think you can make the chairs better. It is further a good cafe.
Decided to give your cafe a go and I love the structure of the building the colors really match and the overall use of material look very eye pleasing look at however the cafe looks decent, the only issue I have with your cafe is it lacks detail in the interior the chairs could possibly be improved and there seems to be a lot more space to place a few more items around consider throwing a small fireplace with chairs surrounding it or hanging chandeliers.
To the exterior I feel like you should include some potted plants along the front entrance tables, cloths, candles umbrella connected tot he table itself. Overall, at the start you have an amazing cafe here hope to see the final build I’d be interested.
The overall cafe build is very nice, but the trees are too big and the UI clashes with eachother with some of the UI being grey and some being blue, and the grey UI goes offscreen when the Roblox window is enlarged.
Small Roblox window: (Black void is my backround.)
Big Roblox window:
Your cafe looks pretty dope, but I get a feeling that the design from the outside wa made pretty quickly,(no offence),what I mean is that you’ve put the decoration in a sort where it looks a bit messy.
What you could do to improve the outdoor decoration is:
-1 Maybe put the lampposts not so close to each other and a bit dispearssed on the route that leads to the cafe.
-3 I’ve seen that there are many types of palmtrees on the map, maybe sticking to one ?
I feel it would look alot nicer with one type of palmtree.
Also you can turn the oriantation of each object so it won’t look so repetitive.
The inside of the cafe looks really nice put some parts of it are a bit spacey. Which means there’s lots of space that isin’t being used, it would imporve the looks by alot if you would find a way to fill these spaces.
Thanks, I kind of used a brush tool plugin, and my computer was heating up very badly, so I decided to edit the trees later. Thanks for the suggestions!
Idea: 7/10, Execution: 8/10
The build itself at first does not appear particularly exciting or innovative, however it does use some pretty cool ideas. Nothing is outwardly unpleasing to look at, and I love your use of glass. As for the actual building quality, it is very good, and shows experience. I would have made the ceilings a bit higher since it can be a tiny bit claustrophobic, and maybe added some accent colors, but overall it is a great cafe. Nice work!