I think the “Modern Coffee Shop” has a. Great style to it i like the design your going for and i think it looks really good overall it seems to be a little basic and doesn’t hold any kind of details to the cafe. However i would try adding some more details to the exterior part such as potted plants, chairs, and more tables. To the entrance you could try! Implementing some. Of those details to your cafe there could! Be a lot of different decorations, around your cafe so it could. Look a lot more improved i’ll add some, details to the coffee shop and the! Exterior itself so it won’t look empty and basic however! The style your making is quite nice. But i would recommend adding the final details, to it so it could look more improved more!!
Modern Coffee Shop
So the cafe you have created, so far looks quite basic however there is a couple of things you could try adding to your cafe i would add some. More details to the cafe so it could look more! Improved and stand out more i would, recommend you add some wall shelves, coffee door sign, gango coffee poster, string lights, letter sign cafe, ect. Those are some of the decor you could try adding. To your “Cafe” so it won’t look empty these details would! Mostly go onto the walls of the cafe just to give it a, more interesting look to it. And the hanging lights you implemented to the inside of your! Cafe i would try adding some color, to it such as white, red, blue, yellow, and more as by looking. At yours i see you added the whole light, a black color i would try experiencing in other, feature colors so the cafe could! Look more decent overall you have a great piece here i would, mostly add some different styles, of chairs and you could always add some material to them. Such as wood, rattan, polypropylene, ect. Instead of having all the chairs all! Smooth plastic material in most modern, cafes they always have wooden chairs or different kinds. Of material to the chairs and then if your! Making a small modern coffee shop, i would suggest you go off a reference. Image so you could know the shapes and details it, implements to cafes i would recommend you do that. Just so it could look more impressive and have that modern design to it!!
Know your cafe doesn’t hold any kind. Of material to i think it would look more better! If you added some material/color to your coffee shop such as wood planks, modern wood, shingles, ect. Those are some materials you could try adding to the walls and the whole building itself i see you added the wooden floor know it would look more better if you implement some material to the walls i would mostly change the color of the (Window Frames) to a white color depending on what kind of cafe your trying to make or the color you want to use but i would suggest adding some feature colors to the cafe and materials to the building as you can see below these kind of cafes or small i would recommend you look at a reference image and do something like this. So it could look more like a coffee shop i would just try adding the final details and making the shape more like a cafe you could always look at other games or other images.
I like the style your going for and i think it looks really good, as most “Modern Cafes” has details on, the outside part and into the building itself such as the interior. So customers can sit and enjoy there coffee, drinks, food, ect. Overall your coffee shop has that modern style to it however it just needs a little more! So it could look like a full modern coffee shop. If you plan on adding details in the front of the, cafe i would recommend you add some here is a couple, of things i’ll add so your coffee shop could! Look more better and improved a lot more and like. I said above try adding some material, colors, decorations, shapes, ect. So the cafe could have that style to it however i would try adding! Some doors and across window frames, so it could look more detailed!!
- Potted Plants, Window Box, Chairs, Tables, Window Frames & Shelves
- Cafe Hanging Sign, Umbrellas, Trash Cans, Wall Shelves, Pictures,
- Potted Flowers, Bushes, Plants & Benches, Menu Signs, Coffee Door Sign,
- Door Mat, Chalkboard Sign, Plants On Tables, Bushes, Flowers, Potted Tree Plant,
- Letter Sign Cafe, Hanging String Lights, Gango Coffee Poster, Coffee Drink Signs,
- Lanterns, Candleholders, Wall Art, Coffee Menu, Daisytown Coffee Table & Wall Clock
Overall, those are some of the details you want to try implementing. To your “Modern Cafe” so it could look more detailed and improved! A lot more however the shape you have, to your cafe i would try changing it and making, it like a small modern cafe as most of them. All ways have like a side house shape instead of! Having the shape yo have right know, there is a lot of improvements your coffee shop needs, just so it could look more interesting and get. People looking to buy the cafe aside all of! That i would sell this for 400/300 price since, it doesn’t hold any kind of details to it but if you use. Some of the advice i said above your cafe would, stand out more overall, keep on building and, improving more details to it and you’ll. Sell it in no time!!