Feedback on camera bobbing and sprinting system

I made the camera bobbing and sprinting pretty simple in my game. In my opinion, most games have too complicated or too intense camera bobbing. For the sprinting, I just did a slight FOV and contrast change.

I am still planning on adding some type of rotation to the camera while moving sideways, but here is what I have right now. Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated


Beautiful. Very nice! Looks like footage from a PC game! The camera is super smooth! Love how you didn’t make it insanely bumpy.

What you showcased it with honestly looks a bit like something that should be in “The Stanley Parable”.

Good work! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


It gives me motion sickness lol


I could add settings so you could make it less intense cause you’ll have to go through 1000 rooms of that :joy:


Mind sharing how you did the camera bob?

Oh my god this is amazing. I thought I was watching Outlast for a second.

This looks really cool! Does it work on Third person view too?

When it goes down it fells like it hits something. Make it less intence and more “bouncy”
But it is very good