Feedback on Candyland

Hello! I made a Candyland showcase using parts and the terrain tool.

also btw sorry for the low resolution


This was my first post in devforum!
Good job! The candy land is cool and I like the chocolate on the river. But I think you should change the grass to something else because it is a bit weird… And you should add more candy (or whatever dessert) to let it looks more real

I like the concept! Although, a few things I would change are the grass and the candy cane models. The grass makes no sense in a candy map, in my opinion, perhaps use low poly terrain (you can get plenty of plugins or make it in Blender), and also use blender to make the candy canes as the current candy canes have what seems to be Z-Fighting, which is not what people like to see. Other than that, good work! :sunglasses: