Feedback on Car Chase AI

Hey devs. Recently, I have been messing around with AI, and cars. So what did I do? Within the span of about 5 weeks or so, I combined the two to make car chase AI in roblox!

I am pretty proud with the current results. Current features for the AI are:

  • Collision avoidance
  • Target future prediction (the AI will try to go infront of the target to stop them)
  • Stopping the target from in-front
  • Three point turning (when in-front of a wall)

Here’s a few clips of the AI in action:

If you have any feedback or even ideas on how I can further improve the AI, please let me know.
Thank you!


Wow! The second one is much-improved, great work! It’s a little bit tricky to figure out what the sequence of events are, but the sound, and handling are great! Is that a custom chassis?


i didnt know you could make AI in roblox pretty good


Thats amazing, you should make a demo game with this.

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Hey please let me know how you achieved this, I am trying to do this since 5 years, please


this is amazing! id love to know how you did this. ive always thought about making a car AI chase a player, good work!

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The sounds are a nice touch to the overall feel of the car, and the second video is very impressive.

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Yep. This is a custom chassis I have worked on over the past few months. I’ve spent awhile trying to get the feel right to make the vehicles behave realistically, but it’s not perfect, so even more improvements are yet to come

A demo game is definitely something i want to try and make with this. And hopefully I’ll release something soon.

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Well lets just say my chase system is suprising linear. There’s no fancy pathfinding here. Instead, the AI just relies on collision avoidance (with a few raycasts), and estimating the target’s future position to chase them, as well as some other small details.

Awesome! It looks like you improved looking from the first video to the second. Also the steering wheel mechanics are great!

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This is incredible. Reminds me of a car chase movie scene. Awesome work man!:+1:t3:

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How did you make the AI to find the future position? neural networks? if yes tell me please

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It was amazing! I think that you should make it so the cars dont blatantly hit you going mach speeds, instead they slow down or try to bump into you not as fast. I don’t really know, it is just a personal opinion. Looks great regardless!

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