Feedback on character drawing

Hello everyone! I have recently become interested in the area of GFX and logos, and have started making different practice examples. Today I thought it would be cool to try and make a drawing of my avatar.

Any feedback is very much appreciated!


The dollar sign on the top hat and the tie both look out of place because they have a different line size compared to the rest of the drawing. I recommend sticking with the same line weight, but differing sizes can lead to amazing drawings if done well. The drawing looks amazing and has good shading, so you did a great job! :ok_hand: :ok_hand:


Very talented, I can’t even do that good. But one thing you can improve on is the bold outlines, I’m not really a fan of them but it doesn’t bother me, maybe you make the lines an bit lighter.

Hope this helps!


This looks great!

I dislike the gradient in the top hat. In my opinion it should fit the style of the rest if the drawing (solid color with minor shadows).

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It seems like one of the arms are 3D and the rest are not.
Maybe you can make the legs 3D?
Anyways, good job! :+1:

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simplistic and nice.
Just fix the $ top hat a little, the lines on the S are a bit curvy.
I like the shadows on the torso from the arm.

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Could you provide more information? What art style are you going for, are you going to be using it for something and does this character have a bios?

Overall looks good!

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I wasn’t making it for anything in particular, more so just to practice and to maybe make some cartoon thumbnails and stuff like that in the future. As for style, I was just going for a simple lower-detail cartoon style.

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