Hello, I would like some feedback on this build I created.
That looks crazy good, how did you achieve that good of a reflection effect on the floor?
Also, think about these colored windows, which are very present in churches:
Thank you! The floor is transparent, I grouped the build together and flipped it upside down under the floor. I’ll try adding some similar windows when I can, thanks for the idea!
Oh, that’s what I thought! Because let’s be honest, the current reflection we got from Roblox is pretty bad.
Yeah, we just have to make do with what we have at the moment. Hopefully studio gets a overhaul some time in the near future!
Looks good, but the amount of ‘fog’ or whichever lighting effect you are using seems a bit overpowering. Since the candles are lit I’m assuming it’s not abandoned. Some dust would be good though.
The reflection does look good, but be careful making sure your alignment is correct. In the 5th picture it looks like the big gray arch reflection is offset to the right. Also the reflections of the wall with the gold & green cross and the short gray wall(?) at the very right of the screen don’t match what’s on top.
Maybe get a plugin that does reflections of selected Parts, which is helpful for building anything symmetrical. A good one I’ve found is by Wingman8: https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/452479226/Wingman8-build-tools?externalSource=www
It allows you to select a Part for your reflection/mirror centerline, then one of the Parts of the model you want to be mirrored. If you click ‘g’ (if I remember correctly) it’ll select the model the part is in, and if you keep clicking g it’ll go to the next model up until you have the entire church selected. Then you hit the spacebar and you get a perfect mirrored model of everything.
Thank you so much for the feedback! I’ll check out that plugin you linked.
Yep, just fixed the lighting and fixed alignment, It looks much better now! I updated the screenshots now.
I like the lighting you’ve done the second time around. Looks perfect to me!
Incredible build, good job!
This Church looks VERY GOOD AND REALISTIC! Nice job on it!
The red carpet seems too wide. As far as I know, processions are only three people-wide, so it’s too much.
You can add the seats for the choir and the organ here (really important for a church)
Then here, add the seats for the acolytes and lectors. Also, you forgot to add a lectern (It’s crucial because this is where readings, the gospel and homily happen). It’s usually from the right of the altar (facing the crowd). Infront of the pillar, maybe add a table for the church items (chalice, plates, etc.)
Now in the background, add a big cross (with candles or something that can illuminate it). Find a good place to put the tabernacle (this is where the bread is usually stored). Would be nice if it’s visible to the crowd
Now the church is a bit dark, maybe put some attachments around it to light it up a bit
I’ll take all of this into account, thanks!