Feedback on Classic Clothing

Hello everyone, I recently got back into clothing designing and I want some feedback and suggestions, here is my group link so you can see the clothing items - Craft Designs - Roblox

I’m also currently in the process of making more clothing, but I would appreciate it if you can give any suggestions of clothing I could make, and any feedback on the clothing I’ve already made


why are there suit tops without pants?

I stopped clothing by designing right after creating those because I was working on another project, so I never ended up making any pants for those

Love the colored hoodies! I will buy the green one and the blue one!

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Thank you! I will be adding a few more in the next few days with various designs and colors, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please let me know

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This clothing looks good, nice job on it! How long did it take to create all of the clothing? When will you be making more?

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Usually takes 10-15 minutes per shirt, I’m going to be uploading a few more today or tomorrow

I just added a few more, if anyone has any suggests, please let me know