Feedback on clothing

I recently released a new clothing piece, pictures are below, what would you suggest I should do to improve them? What would you rate them? Would you buy them?

Here’s a link to the group if you want to see these clothes better —> Craft Designs - Roblox


I like them! I think they’re a little simple (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing), and I think the t shirt underneath the jacket is a little too wide. Other than that, looks great!


Honestly, you could change green color a bit, they looks like an roblox Xbox’s avatar


Thank you! Do you think making the jacket cover more would possibly make it look better?

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Yeah, I will be making more colors

Sure, it’ll surelly make the clothes better

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Yeah, I think it would make it look way better

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This clothing looks very good! Nice job on it! It’s good that you made multiple colors of them!

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