Feedback on coastal terrain

recently ive been playing with terrain and wanted some opinions on a beach cliff im making. i plan to build something on top once i sort out some proper models and textures


i changed my idea to a pretty different one as i originally had a pretty generic island and tried at a more sedimentary and worn away cliffside. i tried a bit of sand lining a larger portion of it but didnt think it fit


looking for any criticisms regarding lighting, terrain, colors, etc



It looks great,you could use some more materials though and maybe try to recreate strata. You could change the color of any material to fit the area and paint horizontal lines of that material here and there,with a very small brush size. I really like how you combined the dirt and the sandstone! You could add some beaches here and there,or some smaller stones that fell in the water. I guess you’re trying to simulate sandstone cliffs. Maybe you could make them steeper in some places,too.

Oh,also…Merry Christmas!

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thank you for the advice! i did actually base it off something similar. sadly the shape isnt all there as it had originally started off as something else

definitely going to try adding another material and creating some more horizontal lines if they fit or i’ll just incorporate it into something else entirely. the additional rocks would be a good touch

thanks again, really appreciated

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Wow! Looks really nice! You should increase the amount of colour that you use for the terrain. Otherwise, really nice! Keep up the good work!

Hope this helps! Happy Holidays! :slight_smile:

thanks! happy holidays to you as well

It looks very good. I would just add some more color and maybe add some more beaches, if it was me.


Happy Holidays! :christmas_tree: :santa: