Feedback on color scheme of this map


I am making a map for a feudal ninja game, which is inspired off the anime, Naruto. I have found myself split on the color I choose for the grass that will be best for the game to give it an immersive feel. I am going for a “realistic” game but I am not trying to make it feel dead, if that makes sense. I would really appreciate your feedback and your vote on my small poll.

  • “Bright Green” Grass (Brighter Shade)
  • “Moss” Grass (More Saturated Shade)

0 voters


I would go with the brighter grass. It just makes the map look better overall and suites the scheme better then the moss grass.

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Thanks for the feedback, I feel like the brighter grass would make the map pop more. Although, I don’t want it to be too “cartoony”. I’ll see what I can do by changing the lightning to fit my need.

I got to agree with you. Remember, it is YOUR game and you can decide what you want to do. Others can only tell and suggest to you ideas. Only you can find out what you think is best.

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I voted for the brighter shade. Brighter is generally better if this is for a frontpage type of game.

If you’re looking for good color palettes ideas in the future, I’d recommend the Color Hex website.

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