Hey Devforumers! How’s this commissions sheet I made today? Please give constructive criticism and not “I rate it #/10”.
Honestly you should stop going for the simulator type text logo theme. If you wanna actually get good at text logo’s go for other styles.
Are you implying that I am not good at making the style or that there isn’t a large business for these? From the amount of commissions I get a day, I’d say there is a pretty large interest in simulator-type logos.
they look amazing and clean, though each one of them has something related to the name except the super jump one, maybe try to incorporate like arrows or something indicating up and jumping or bouncing
That’s done on purpose, which is why that logo is cheaper.
Damn bro, that’s super cheap! But maybe you can add an option for PayPal payment so that people who don’t have Robux can buy your commission directly from PayPal.
Mate you ask for critsm he gave you so calm down. it looks clean tho
I would, but I’m under the age of 18 and therefore cannot create a PayPal account, although it is a good idea once I reach the minimum age.
I wasn’t trying to act aggressive, but rather ask him to explain his reasoning for that statement.
Ohh… That’s alright! Keep going bro, I love your work. That’s amazing!
It looks simple and clean. But I would recommend adding different style of logos, if you’re doing. Other than that maybe seperating different priced logos by types and adding a header(e.g Basic Logo, Premium Logo) would increase the readability. Adding some flair to the design of sheet would be better to show your designer skills. Lastly maybe making a logo/icon for yourself and putting onto sheet would make customers remember you.
Could you further explain what you mean by that? Do you mean like my PFP or something?
PFP could be useful aswell, it can be anything related to you to give more professional look and staying in the mind of customer.
A text about logo importance
The importance of a logo—5 reasons you must have one - 99designs
Too bland! The background for the commision sheet is literally just a solid gray area.
Maybe use some backgrounds/patterns that aren’t just solid colours.
Take my commision sheet for example:
I used a spiral effect for the background and I used different fonts for variation
• Use different backgrounds, not just solid colors.
• Use different fonts for variation.
• Add extra info such as other payment methods, or other socials for contact.
• Make it catch the eye!
9/10 Good looks amazing prices but all of these look pretty much the same to me maybe get creative with your styles :3