Feedback on concept UI

(Text is more easily visible in-game)

It’s more of a practice than an actually serious design. If you could give some tips on how to improve my UI in the future then I would appreciate it :+1:


This honestly looks great! The way you added the text and the color at the background makes it adding more “unique”. I also like the way you added the Italic style on the stats to seperate the info of the identity and the stats. Good Job!


Simplistic, modern and sleek. Goes really well for your UI here, so well done!


All of it looks good. I would suggest you fix the font sizes though.

For example some good improvements would be to make the “Choose your identity” text a comparitively larger font size than the rest. And same goes for the class names (survivor, analytical etc). You could also change the description of each class to a lighter font and maybe even just a bit smaller of a font size

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The UI looks very good! I like the style of it, nice job on this!

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Looks great overall, but a few things I’d change would be the colors of the gradients (The tones all seem a little off, maybe make them more neutral?) and make the stats clearer; You use hunger increase AND decrease rate, which makes understanding the stats more confusing

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I don’t think I used hunger increase rate; I just wrote that energy sources give x1/x1.5 more energy.
Hunger decrease rate means the rate at which the hunger drains (kind of obvious)

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Sorry, I read the original image wrong. It looks great!

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I like that so much!
But I wonder if you hover over it does the circle and text slightly increase in size and slightly decrease whenever you stop hovering over it?

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That’s up to you to decide :wink:‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎