Feedback on Cool Core Facility

I am currently making a Reactor Core game called Cool Core Facility.

Please give me some feedback on my game :slight_smile:

Some images of the game now





Can you maybe put a picture displaying the whole map?

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Do you mean like a wall with a map on it? If so, it is a good idea!

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In this image, you can see free models

Try to create your models and don’t take free models!
other images look nice!

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I will take your advice, thank you for the support! :slight_smile:

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Well done, my idea is that the facility is underground if it already is.

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I don’t feel like the sci-fi genre mixes well with handwritten looking fonts. Try to stick to a single design theme throughout the game.

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Yes, it is underground. The main entrance is above ground, where some areas are.

How about this?


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I only began, so it can look way different when it is finished.

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I’d still say that the font is a bit too cartoony for a sci-fi game. Maybe try a more minimalist font, and make it stick out from the wall less.

How about this?

Also I am not sure what you mean by “Make it stick out from the wall less”.

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The information board at the entrance room now works!

(Also the messages are randomly chosen from a table)

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Hello everyone! I have decided to make new models for the entrance:


The building looks good. You should change the lighting since it’s a desert. The outside will look way better.

Is this better?


Your choice but that sky might be better for a meltdown or apocalypse scenario.

Thank you for your feedback!

Would you prefer the regular skybox for a normal day?

The regular sky for a normal day and these are helpful too:

I like the Desert Sky, it would fit the game.

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